A booth at a McDonald's in Blue Springs, Missouri isn't exactly where I thought my journey would begin. I'm currently #5 on the wait list for the ride, so I'm getting anxious as to whether or not I'll finally be put on the roster. I don't like to think I'll have to wait another year, but apparently my chances of getting on the roster are still pretty good.
I'm drafting the letters, so hopefully I can get those out ASAP to officially begin fundraising. I've set a personal goal of $6,000. That means $6,000 in 5 months. I'm not sure that I know what I'm in for here, but I think I can do it. With a little extra effort and a lot of help, this whole thing can be made possible.
My brother Nick took the ride in 2011. Seeing how much he got out of it is what made me want to do it myself. Every person that has taken the journey that I've talked to has said the same thing - that it's a life-changing experience. As much as I want that for myself, I hope that in some way my journey can be a life-changing experience for someone else.
Before I go any further, I want to thank everyone who has made this possible for me. It is because of your kindness, generosity, and support that I'm even here on the wait list.