Monday, June 24, 2013

Day 15: Easy Does It

Course: Salt Lake City, UT to Park City, UT
Mileage: 30 miles
Terrain: Uphill
Conditions: Humid
Top Speed: 39 mph

This day went a little in reverse. We began the day by heading to McDonald's for breakfast. It was glorious, since we hadn't had food that was genuinely bad for us in a while. When you can actually afford to gorge on unhealthy food, it's so much more satisfying. Using calorie intake as an excuse is pretty convenient. After breakfast we headed to a local park to meet with Trails, an organization that provides athletic opportunities for people with disabilities. They brought out a bunch of hand bikes, and we all got to ride them around a few times. They're insanely hard to keep moving! It's a whole new game when you're pedaling with your arms.

After the park visit, we headed over to Whole Foods Market for a sponsored lunch. It was great food and fuel for the ride coming up. It was only 30 miles, but it was all uphill. I rode with Collin and Austin - two guys I hadn't ridden with yet. We all took turns asking each other random questions like what each others' favorite ice cream or who the ultimate crush is. The questions just kept rolling and so did the miles, so the time flew by. It was never too steep of a climb. We had a lot of flats and then climbing, and since there wasn't any wind we could actually hear each other. We climbed about 15 miles and then reached the summit. It overlooked a small lake with beautiful surroundings.

Our team took pictures and then headed down the pass. When we hit the bottom of the downhill, everyone got racked so that we could avoid having to ride on the freeway. When we arrived at the drop off location and unracked, we were immediately told to rerack since our project manager realized we were low on time. We all went to a local brewery for dinner, and they make their own root beer there. It was undoubtedly the best root beer I've ever had. We finished the day with some relaxing in the hot tub at the hotel, knowing that we had the next day off.

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