Sunday, July 21, 2013

Day 41: My Stomach is Full?

Course: Dubuque, IA to Rockford, IL
Distance: 110 miles
Terrain: Rolling hills
Conditions: Headwind
Max Speed: 43 mph

It was the last century day and we were ready to just get it over with. It was humid again in the morning so we knew we'd be in for it later. We got to circle up and immediately noticed the insane rack points. 60 miles by 10:30. Well maybe if it's all downhill and we have a 30 mph tailwind we'll make that one. Since neither of those have been the case on the Journey of Headwind 2013, we were just hoping the crew would be lenient on the racking. I rode with Austin and Travis, and Austin and I challenged Travis to attempt the century pull challenge. Since it was the last century, and Travis is one of the best cyclists here, he accepted. It was easy riding for me since I was third in line and could basically just sit back and draft all morning. The headwind felt minimal to me and the hills were rolling pretty easily. Props to Travis for even trying.

We got to lunch around mile 70 and were told that they were going to start racking in about an hour. Since it was pretty hot by then and most people were still burnt out from the tough day before, people pretty much just began stalling to take as much time off of the clock as possible. Once everyone knows they're getting racked anyways, it's pretty hard to keep things going. Eventually people shuffled out of lunch but everyone was racked within 10 more miles. We had to be at our programming by 1 anyways. We were driven to an indoor sports facility that hosts people with disabilities every once in a while for fun and games. We all met the clients and got to do things like relay games and even a "Pie a Push America Rider" game. That was my favorite, since I didn't have to get a pie shoved in my face. I'm not much for whipped cream anyways. We also got to mummify volunteers from the cyclists with toilet paper and then judge who had wrapped the best mummy. Afterwards we hung around for some volleyball.

We had a lot of fun hanging out with the clients and laughing at each other. We headed to lodging which was set up by Doug, one of the cyclists on the team. He's in the United Auto Workers union and they had offered up their meeting hall for us to stay. When we got there, they treated us to Chinese food - a lot of it. I've said that we have feasted as a team before, but this is the first time we've done so but haven't really been able to polish off everything that was offered. Everyone was so full that naps ensued shortly thereafter. When people woke up we watched a movie together until bedtime. Today was a nice turnaround from the day before.

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