Thursday, July 25, 2013

Day 42: A Deadly Pose

Course: Rockford, IL to Milwaukee, WI
Distance: 95 miles
Terrain: Mostly flat
Conditions: Some wind

It wasn't a difficult ride today. I rode with Derek and Michael Walton, so the TCU gang was reunited once more - the first time since day 1. We talked a lot about our specific chapter and what we can do to fix some of the things that aren't exactly up to par with it. The talking got us through a lot of the ride, and since it wasn't hilly and the wind was settled, we kept a very steady pace. We got to the state border sign for Wisconsin and as always, tried to think of something creative to do. I got a little too clever and suggested launching Michael up in the air and then having Derek and I pose as he was in mid air. We rolled with it, and did exactly that. Michael stepped into our hands and we threw him up as high as we could. We expected him to only go about as high as our heads, but he went above and beyond our expectations - literally. He really got up there. On the way up, he knocked my sunglasses to one side and in the picture that was taken I look like I got punched in the face since I flinched at the same time. Michael came down, and since he was wearing his biking shoes slipped and hit pretty hard. He clutched his back and Derek and I were immediately grimacing. "Great idea, Blake....not," is all I could think. However, Michael rolled around and just kept repeating, "Did we get the picture???" He got up in a minute or two and we were ready to get back on the road.

We got to our lodging and had a welcome session with our sponsor for the next two days, Kathy. Kathy is extremely organized and generous. Organized is also an understatement. She had a ton of chocolate milk for us - about 8 gallons. We polished off 6 and then went to the mall to have a "Girls Night" with some younger girls that were in wheelchairs for various reasons. We split up with about 6 cyclists per girl and we had free reign in the mall. My group was paired up with Andi. She had a minor case of Cerebral Palsy but was super functional in a social way. We loved going into different stores and just messing around. We got Derek to go into Forever 21 and put on a pretty ridiculous outfit and then walk around the store like he was shopping for girls clothes. It was hilarious. We eventually went to a store that Andi really liked and we bought her a shirt there. We all ate dinner at the food court and had a great afternoon.

That night a handful of us went to see The Conjuring at the mall's theatre. I don't know why I was in the mood to crap my pants in a movie theatre, but I was. It was terrifying, but I managed to survive with my hat over my eyes for only half of the movie. I know, I know - I'm manly.

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